My very first coach used to say, to know and not do is to not know.
Read that again –
To know and not do is to not know.
She said it was a Buddhist proverb.
That phrase has stuck with me for a long time.
When I say I know something AM I DOING IT?
This is where she helped me. To know AND to do.
This is where I help my private coaching clients.
Knowledge is nothing without application.
I LOVE sharing the concepts I teach. You will notice whenever I teach I have a bias towards action.
Even when I am teaching you to THINK DIFFERENTLY, I want you to practice thinking differently on purpose. That is an ACTION you are taking.
The circumstances remain the same. Your experience radically changes.
Take a moment right now and think about something in your life that you are knowing and not doing.
What will it take for you to do it?
What will it take to break the pattern?
To change the routine.
To live your dreams instead of your frustrations.
That doesn’t mean you will never get frustrated again. It just means you will know how to handle frustration and it won’t get in the way of living your dreams.
The power of coaching taught me that. Ever since my first coach I have always worked with a coach of some kind, either 1:1 or in a group program.
Why? Because whenever I get coached I win – I win at the game of life and love and marriage and business.
It’s why athletes and executives have coaches – because they know they need support and guidance and accountability to reach their goals.
If there is something in your heart right now that you know you need to heal, complete, re-define, re-decide, re-new so you can WIN at loving and living and leading, working with a Life Coach like me can help you do it.
Message me. Reach out. Tell me what you are knowing and not doing. If I can help you, I will. If my coaching program isn’t the absolute best match for you, I will tell you that too.
Although I spend most of my time helping women have better marriages, I have also worked with coaching clients to help them:
- step into higher levels of leadership at work – get promoted, figure out what to do in their new role and manage their new responsibilities
- develop their business ideas and execute on them (that whole knowing and doing thing ;-))
- find meaningful work – either through job search (former recruiter here!) or through bringing more meaning to the work they were already doing
- deal with a wide variety of life’s challenges, one powerful question at a time
If you know that THIS is YOUR TURNING POINT YEAR, we should talk.
The purpose of life is to live it. Not fear it resent it and avoid it.
CHOOSE the life you and to have, the marriage you want to create.
Don’t just KNOW about it. DO IT.