My name is Maggie Reyes and I help Type A women have better marriages – without waiting for their partners to do something and without adding more work to their already jam-packed lives.
If you have ever added the thing you just did to your checklist, just so you could experience the joy of crossing it off, you are in the right place.
Before I started my coaching practice, I worked in Human Resources for over a decade. I have been coaching and mentoring talking people off ledges in one form or another for years.
As a coach, I have clocked over 2,000 hours of coaching my clients on their marriages, their careers, their desires and frustrations, and helped them with everything from –
bad bosses, anxiety, sexual frustrations (too much and too little),
to improperly loaded dishwashers, what happens when you wash a hockey shirt with a silk blouse – the blouse and to your marriage,
planning a vacation with in-laws and siblings you can actually look forward to instead of dread.
From the little things that become big to the really big things like dealing with physical and mental health challenges,
deciding how to manage personal safety during covid,
to how to find common ground when you are a progressive person married to a conservative one.
Almost every couple has unsolvable problems and sometimes we just look for the best approach you can both live with as opposed to searching for a permanent solution that will never come.
As for official training, I have that too. I am double certified as both a Life Coach and a Sex, Love and Relationship coach by two of the most innovative thinkers and teachers in the self development industry: Brooke Castillo and Layla Martin.
I graduated from The Life Coach School (LCS) in 2012 as Certified, Professional Life Coach.
Brooke Castillo, the founder of LCS, created the Self Coaching Model and approach to looking at, questioning and choosing our thoughts that I use extensively in my coaching practice.
This approach is one of the most powerful tools I have used for my own personal development and to help my clients achieve their goals and dreams.
I have done continuing education attending classes and workshops by Relationship Experts like Esther Perel and Michele Weiner-Davis (In case you don’t know them, Esther wrote a book that changed the way people think about infidelity forever and Michele was on the team that helped develop brief-solution focused therapy, the metaphorical, psychological Grandmother of what modern coaching is today.)
I have also attended The Gottman Institute’s Level 1 Training that reviews all their research on what makes marriages thrive or die and I use many evidence based approaches inspired by their work in my coaching and teaching.
Most recently I completed a 600 hour additional Coaching Certification with Layla Martin’s Vita Coaching Method, which is based on a holistic approach to sexuality and the body.
Layla describes it as, “a desire-based coaching system, we don’t spend all of our time focusing on what’s wrong or what’s holding you back – instead, we use your vision of what you desire in your life. This propels you forward and motivates you to heal and integrate whatever keeps you from living your deepest desires.”
So what I am saying is, if you want to make your marriage better, I can help you do that.
Here are 12 Core Beliefs that are at the heart of everything I do in my coaching practice:
- How you love is how you live so learning to love better in your marriage impacts every area of your life.
- A well loved heart does not go to war with itself or others. Improving our marriages is how we change the world. One loving heart at a time.
- Personal responsibility and self validation are the keys to loving even more deeply, and thriving without attachment.
- You can laugh about things other couples fight about.
- The fight you don’t have is the fight you don’t need to recover from.
- Feelings are like water they need to flow or they become deadly.
- One person can change the world and one person can change a marriage.
- Your highest inner wisdom always knows what’s best for you, removing any limiting beliefs or obstacles between your own inner knowing is what the coaching process is for.
- The quality of a relationship is more important than it’s length.
- Not every marriage can or should be saved, but every relationship can be improved and brought to its maximum potential for growth and thriving.
- Grounded, centered love is the best place to make decisions from.
- Coaching tools based in cognitive science, neurobiology, positive psychology and listening to the wisdom of your body can help you have a better life and a better marriage. You can learn and master these tools through practice and incorporate them into your daily life just like yoga or meditation.
If my approach feels like a warm hug around your heart, I invite you to join my community of Powerful, Loving women, creating marriages on their terms every day.
Listen to my podcast here: The Marriage Life Coach Podcast
Follow me on Instagram here: The Maggie Reyes
Sign up for my emails and get The Five Power Questions Every Woman Should Know to Improve Her Marriage Today here: https://maggiereyes.com/powerquestions
And if you are ready to work on your marriage right now, start with my simple self study program, The Marriage Mindset Makeover. It’s 97 dollars and you get immediate access to all the material.
The Marriage Mindset Makeover includes 5 powerful workshops that will change the way you think about your relationship forever. Yes. Really.
And The Marriage Makeover Diary – 30 Journal Prompts that will help you write your way to a better Marriage.
I designed this Self-Study experience so it would be the perfect kickstart to help you move in a much more powerful direction towards taking the marriage you have and making it the marriage you want.
CLICK HERE to get The Marriage Mindset Makeover now.