EPISODE #16 – Team Vs. Alliance

On today’s episode, we are going to talk about the difference between a team and an alliance. Teams have stronger, happier, more resilient relationships and alliances are weaker relationships that are more likely to dissolve when challenges arise.
Understanding the difference between the two and how to build the Team feeling in your relationship will make your marriage stronger for years to come.
I’m also going to share three mindset shifts with you that you can make in order to create more team spirit once you know the critical differences between the two.
Tune in to learn how to apply these mindset shifts and questions to ask yourself about how your marriage partnership is functioning – and remember to take notes so you can remember and most importantly, APPLY, what you learn.
• (3:16) The difference between team and alliance and how it applies to your relationship
• (10:04) Why teams are happier in marriage and the benefits of this kind of partnership
• (10:37) What grey divorce means and how it applies here
• (12:00) What you need to know about thriving marriages
• (13:00) How to transition from an alliance to a team (specific mindset shifts)
• (18:35) Client celebration
Click here to download this episode’s transcript.
• Episode #1: How to Have a Better Marriage
• Questions for Couples Journal