Episode 177 – The Power of Fresh Starts and Do Overs

Inside of this week’s episode of The Marriage Life Coach Podcast I am resharing one of our favorite episodes time to welcome the new year – I’m making a case for the power of fresh starts and do-overs.
Because of my background in HR, I love to make connections between marriage culture and corporate culture.
Living in a society where productivity and accomplishment are deified we often have both external and internal narratives where mistakes are seen as problems, not opportunities.
Mistakes often require taking risks and trying new things, and in corporate culture it is often safer to fawn or appease and do everything possible not get caught being wrong vs to simply say, I was wrong about that, how can I do better or this is the plan I made with what I learned from this….
Doing this thousands of times at work will often make it our default go to at home.
What if instead of protection or repeating mistakes without learning from them, we create a marriage culture of do overs?
Of course correcting any time we are off track instead of after years of building a resentment mountain.
That is what this episode is about. Creating a new way of dealing with messups that brings more closeness and connection every time we coure correct.
This episode makes the case for do-overs as a healthy part of your marriage culture.
A do-over is exactly what it sounds like: a request to do something over again because it didn’t go quite the way you wanted it to go the first time.
But how do you just do something over in your marriage? Isn’t it more complicated than that?
It’s a lot simpler than you think, and this episode will tell you exactly how to do it.
In the episode, I share:
- what a do-over is,
- the rules of do-overs, and
- how and when to ask for one.
- Thriving Authors Podcast Interview
- Episode 5 – Requests vs. Demands
- The Questions for Couples Journal
- The Marriage Mindset Makeover
If you are finding the concepts I teach in this podcast useful, and you want in depth personalized support for your own relationship, I invite you to apply for my personalized coaching program where we take all the things I talk about here and apply them to you and your marriage. CLICK HERE to apply.