Episode 4 – Emotional Weightloss

In this episode I will share a simple idea that will change the way you show up in your marriage.
Just like in diets, when you remove flour and sugar you can see what your body really needs for nourishment, in your marriage when you remove complaining and defending you can deal with real underlying issues that will make your marriage stronger.
Now, going no sugar, no flour is hard. No one wants to do it at first, and it’s hard to keep it up and all that, right?
No complaining, no defending is the same at an emotional level. You might miss a day, mess up, realize you are complaining and defending WAY MORE than you think you are….we all eat more sugar and flour than we THINK we do….
No complaining, no defending – emotional weight loss…imagine how heavy your marriage feels when you are fighting or not even talking or distant or annoyed and upset.
Now imagine your marriage 50 emotional pounds lighter.
Wouldn’t that change EVERYTHING?
Join me today for episode four of The Marriage Life Coach Podcast to learn how to remove complaining and defending from your relationship and what to do instead.
If you are finding the concepts I teach in this podcast useful, and you want in depth personalized support for your own relationship, I invite you to apply for my personalized coaching program where we take all the things I talk about here and apply them to you and your marriage. CLICK HERE to apply.
- (2:49) How to know if an argument is good for you and your relationship
- (3:20) The 21-days without complaining challenge
- (5:12) Complaining vs. requesting (and the results each choice creates)
- (7:47) What to do when you feel misunderstood or when you feel the need to defend yourself
- (10:53) What happens when you remove complaining and defending from your relationship
Click here to download this episode’s transcript.
- My very first coach, Christine Kane
- Will Bowen – Complaint Free World