What is a Life Coach?
That is a question I get asked all the time. Let’s start with who is a Life Coach – Tony Robbins is an example of one. In my personal opinion, Oprah is an example of another. Joel Osteen like is a Life Coach with a Bible.
The difference between one-on-one coaching and one-to-many coaching is that even though the general message may be the same:
You can. Live a Life You Love. Yes. You. Now go out and do it. (Sound familiar?)
The actions that follow the message are different. When I finish listening to Joel or Tony or Oprah – I turn the TV or the Ipod off, and go about my business.
And if I have a doubt, a limiting belief, and want to wallow in my circumstances – they don’t talk back. (Although after so many years of Oprah shows, I must admit, I sometimes hear her in my head!)
With a live Life Coach, that’s a little different. Okay – a lot different.
We talk.
On the phone.
With you.
We ask questions.
You answer.
We ask more questions.
Sometimes we make you stop talking.
Sometimes we repeat back what you said.
Because sometimes you say really brilliant things.
And sometimes you are just being silly.
And we can tell the difference.
And we want you to be able to tell the difference too.
Having a Life Coach is like having a Personal Trainer. For your mind.
During a really great session, you might feel like a light bulb is going off in your head. Or sometimes it feels like fireworks from Disney World going off in your mind when you get clarity on something that has been bugging you forever.
I like to pretend it’s a lot like having Oprah on speed dial. What would she say? She would say when you know better, you do better. Now that you know better, what are you going to do? And she would have a lot of compassion about it and be wearing really great shoes and a cute Ralph Lauren sweater.
“A life coach gives perspective and helps clients evaluate the basis of their thinking that determines the results they get in their lives.” Master Coach, Brooke Castillo
“Just like a sports coach, a life coach stands outside the situation, sees the highest and best in you and sometimes inspires you, sometimes challenges you but always helps you play better.”
Life Coach & Relationship Specialist, Maggie Reyes aka Me 😉
I founded Royal Life Design, LLC as a Life Design and Coaching company. We empower our clients and students to achieve authentic success in romance, relationships, life and work through personalized coaching programs, workshops, and seminars.
I created ModernMarried.com because I want to help women re-define their lives, their marriages and themselves. So we can live lives we love, with the loves our lives – together.
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